Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Tour d'Esprit Takes Memphis Runner and Occupational Therapist Far Beyond a One-Mile Loop

I wrote this about a Memphis occupational therapist spending a year at the rehab clinic in Croix de Bouquets.

As a gifted runner, Jeanie Zelinski has reaped many of the rewards enjoyed by successful athletes: a college scholarship, life-long friends, the exhilaration of competition and the joy of winning. However, that running would eventually take the 27-year-old Memphian to one of the poorest countries in the world was an unexpected twist that would lead her to a new passion.

“I really knew nothing about Haiti. I was uncomfortable with my life and I just felt like there was more I needed to be doing. I had so much energy and it just seemed to be spinning,” she said. Zelinski, an occupational therapist, became interested in going to Haiti during the 2010 24-Hour Tour d’Esprit race, which benefits Haiti Medical Missions of Memphis (HMMoM).

HMMoM staffs and stocks a medical, dental and rehabilitation clinic in Croix des Bouquets, Haiti. The Holy Spirit clinic treats approximately 200 Haitians each day free of charge. It is one of the few-surviving medical facilities in the Port-au-Prince region after the devastating 2010 earthquake. In addition, as the cholera epidemic persists, the Holy Spirit clinic has become increasingly busy. The 24-Hour Tour d’Esprit is the major funding source for HMMoM.
Zelinski was a member of the winning Breakaway team, which completed an amazing 240 laps around the one-mile course in 24 hours.

While at the race, she heard that HMMoM had opened a rehabilitation hospital after the earthquake. She later contacted Susie Kraus, also an occupational therapist and wife of one of the founders of HMMoM, Dr. Gordon Kraus. “Susie told me about the rehab clinic they had opened in Haiti and I thought, I’m a therapist, I can go.”

Zelinski mulled the idea over for several weeks, discussed it with her family and then reality hit. “I had school loans, I had to pay off my truck,” she said. Although HMMoM would pay for her food, lodging, and provide her with a small stipend, the cost of a year without a salary became an obstacle. “I had the time and desire to give but sadly, money was a barrier,” she said.
Before she knew it, Memphis runners helped remove that barrier.

Races were organized to benefit her trip and in three months, the running community had raised enough money to help pay her expenses while she was in Haiti. ”The people of Memphis just didn’t quit,” she said.

In January of 2011 Zelinski began her new life in Haiti. “It was so hard and uncomfortable at first. I wasn’t able to communicate because of the language, I was learning about Haitian customs and I was so afraid of disrespecting someone,” she said. Zelinski likens herself to an oyster being rubbed by sand. “I’ll be a good pearl some day.”

Although Zelinski’s experiences in Haiti are always evolving, she is getting her bearings and feels that she is making an impact. Along with a physical therapist from Texas and two Chilean therapists, a rehabilitation clinic with a focus on wellness has taken shape. The therapists have established a successful, busy outpatient clinic that treats adults and children during individual sessions, exercise and education classes.

“Disabilities are so traumatic in Haiti. If a child can’t sit up then two lives are completely affected because the mother must take total care of that child,” she said. For one young child with cerebral palsy, the rehabilitation team designed a chair out of a bucket so his mother could allow him to sit independently instead of having to hold him upright.

In addition to patient care, working to unravel the vast landscape of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) is another project the rehabilitation team has been working towards. Since the earthquake, HMMoM’s medical complex has become one of the most important facilities in the country. The team has partnered with many NGOs and the Ministry of Health to share supplies and other resources so all donations reach those who are most in need.

Eventually, she would like to see HMMoM hire Haitian therapists, which would ensure the longevity of the clinic. Currently, the organization employs 17 Haitians at the medical facility, including two rehab technicians who Zelinski is training.

Zelinski says she is learning and continues to adjust. She often struggles with her relationships with the Haitians. “They put me on a pedestal and I’m just Jeanie,” she said. She’s also learned to temper her own expectations of herself. “When people have nothing, sometimes they want more than I can give. I can only give rehab. Sometimes I have to put up a wall.”

In spite of this, Zelinski describes her journey as incredible. “I’ve gotten way more out of my experience than I have given. The people are poor but they are so rich in spirit, culture and passion. They put me to shame,” she said. “I love my life. I wouldn’t change what I’m doing.”

Running continues to be a part of Zelinski’s routine in Haiti. “I took Jeanie to Haiti, too, and she has to run. It has always been a part of my life and it has to be part of my life in Haiti,” she said. While running may be her gift, running has also given Haiti the gift of Jeanie Zelinski.

Sarah Rose

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Haitian Sensation--The Kids are Alright

In a world where the news cycle is constantly changing, tragedies eclipse one another and human suffering becomes so commonplace it’s not only easy; it’s sometimes necessary for us to turn a blind eye. However, this is not the case for some young Memphians whose Global Call to Action Project, “Haitian Sensation”, was brought to fruition last Saturday night at the Bridges Center.

“Haitian Sensation” is a project developed by students at White Station High School. The program’s aim was to raise funds for Haiti Medical Missions of Memphis (HMMoM). A variety of local young artists performed including rappers, rock bands, soloists, poets, dancers and performance artists. During the show, donations were collected and at the end of the free event, more than $500 had been collected for HMMoM.

I was lucky enough to attend “Haitian Sensation.” So many talented individuals--many of them from local high schools--came together for this Memphis-based charity. The students at White Station High School chose to support HMMoM with their project without a request from the charity. I hope the students and performers at “Haitian Sensation” realize the far-reaching, positive impact they have made. As a volunteer with HMMoM, I do.

HMMoM staffs and supplies a medical clinic outside Port-au-Prince, Haiti where medical and dental care and physical and occupational therapy are provided to patients free of cost. During “Haitian Sensation,” many of the performers expressed understanding of the catastrophic effects of the 2010 earthquake and Haiti’s ongoing struggle to recover. Since the earthquake, the cost of running HMMoM’s clinic have increased dramatically as the clinic was one of only a few medical facilities to survive the devastation.

Based on what we all read in the newspaper and watch on the television, one might reach the conclusion that Memphis youths are too busy getting pregnant, joining gangs and dragging down TCAP scores to care about anything. I would like to thank everyone involved with “Haitian Sensation.” Not only did these young Memphians help bring hope to Haiti; they gave me hope for Memphis’ future.

Friday, January 28, 2011

25ish Things About Me

I wrote this on January 25, 2009. I can say that this list stands true except for the part about seeing Amish people on the horizon. They left me about a year ago. In place of number 20, I am adding 25a. Also, I ran another marathon this past year making the total number four. Thankfully, I have added no more children to our family.

1. I am addicted to the following: red wine, running, coffee, and Nestle Toll House semi-sweet morsels.
2. The people I have loved throughout my life are those that make me laugh.
3. Although I think the West Coast is more beautiful, I prefer the East Coast.
4. I am politically very liberal.
5. I walked to the hospital while in labor with my third child and then carried him home 30 or so hours later. (Alright, I will admit that the hospital was just around the corner from our house, but still!!)
6. I am a COLLEGE football fan.
7. The range of emotions my children invoke is amazing.
8. I am a news junkie.
9. My favorite author is John Irving.
10. I have very few regrets but all of them involve the way I treated someone. (I wish I could go back and redo a few events...take back what I said, said what I meant to say, or just said nothing at all.)
11. I ran the Columbus Marathon three years in a row.
12. I am fortunate to be a physical therapist because I have the opportunity to help people when they most need it.
13. When I was growing up I spent summers in a two-bedroom shack in Canada. There was no phone, no TV and I bathed in the lake out front. I sold minnows to my neighbors.
14. I lived in Mexico for a semester but am still not fluent in Spanish. (would still like to be!)
15. I do love to cook but lately feel as though it is more of a chore.
16. I majored in journalism my first two years of college. I was writing about the death of a student on campus and had to call her mother...I decided to change after I realized I didn't have the stomach for that kind of work.
17. My husband inspires me to do better.
18. I like to listen to Queen when I run.
19. I still can't believe I have four children but am reminded when I wake up in the morning and someone is driving a Hotwheel on my face.
20. I moved to Memphis from a county in Ohio with a high population of Amish people. It has been about a year and a half, however, I still see a horse and black buggy coming over the horizon once in a while.
21. I loved being a waitress in college because the tip on the table always gave me instant gratification.
22. I love instant gratification. I am an impatient person but having kids is helping me to change this.
23. I am kind of a loner but hate being lonely.
24. I love gangster movies, and, of course, the Sopranos.
25. I am a work in progress.
25a. I have recently vowed to not lose touch with any good friends. So....if you, my good friend, move and think you have gotten rid of me, think again. I WILL call and possibly visit. I have lost touch with too many important people that have blessed my life and I won't let that happen anymore.

The Epic Controversy of School Consolidation

As a proud parent of three children who attend Germantown Elementary School, I am thrilled to be a part of such an exemplary public school district. While I sympathize with many county school parents and their desire to maintain the status quo, I support the consolidation of Memphis City and Shelby County Schools.
Recently a group pushing for the formation of Germantown Municipal Schools has taken shape. A petition to explore this possibility has more than 900 signatures. I signed the petition last week because I thought it was an idea worth exploring. However, given the potential costs, I don’t think this would be worth pursuing. Parents of children at Germantown Elementary are supportive of the school and involved in their children’s education.  We are blessed with wonderful, enthusiastic teachers.  I’m confident this won’t change with consolidation.
Based on the talk between county school parents and the many letters to the editor in the Commercial Appeal, people in the county overlook the many excellent city schools. Much like the county, these schools have great teachers and parents and most are located in areas of economic prosperity.
The lack of economic prosperity in so many parts of Memphis is what drives me to support consolidation. Forty percent of Memphis City School children live below the poverty line and I fear that as wealth continues to move further and further from the city, the tax base in Memphis proper will continue to shrink. If SCS becomes a special district and county residents no longer have to pay for Memphis City Schools, the tax base will be small and I fear a decline in already troubled Memphis City Schools would be imminent. The city and its schools will be caught in a downward spiral as the wealthy desert the city in pursuit of higher property values and better schools.
Unfortunately, what ails the city schools is rooted in decades of societal decay caused by poverty and racism. This can’t be fixed by consolidating the two school districts. However, as county residents, we can’t turn our backs on the problems of the city as we bask in the security of our neighborhoods and the academic achievements of our children.  When poverty and crime rates rise, county residents will be impacted. Economic development and tourism will decline along with our city’s reputation. 
            The enormity of the potential new school district and lack of a plan for managing it concerns me. However, the divisiveness between the differing sides really frightens me. The only lines that separate county and city are on a map. The two school boards need to pull together and make decisions for the sake of all children in our community. Our success as city and county depend on it.